Commitment to the Future: Leading the Way

Morningbird Space

Our mission is to empower humanity’s journey to the stars by developing groundbreaking technology, performing cutting edge science, and pursuing the limitless possibilities of space.

Close-up of a white scientific or industrial machine

Introducing the eforge series 3.1

Morningbird Space’s team has pioneered the development, prototyping, and patenting of the Electronic Alchemy eforge, an advanced multi-material 3D printer. This groundbreaking technology is uniquely capable of producing fully functional electronic devices. After meticulous development and testing, the eforge is now poised for its debut in the market.

Image showing a textured material, an Earth-Mars orbital diagram, and a scientific apparatus with a green laser.

of Experience

About Us

Redefining Space Technology

Morningbird Space envisions a future where space is a thriving frontier of boundless opportunity. We aspire to lead the way in shaping this future by harnessing innovation, sustainability, and adaptability in space technology. Our vision is a cosmos where humanity explores, inhabits, and benefits from space, pushing the boundaries of possibility and redefining the way we connect with the universe.

Morningbird Space develops innovative technologies in additive manufacturing, materials engineering, advanced propulsion, and autonomous in-space construction. We partner with government, academic, and private organizations to commercialize our technologies.
Morningbird Space has unique technology and capabilities backed by years of experience in taking concepts to reality.

Getting started with Morningbird Space is easy. Simply contact us to discuss your needs, and our team will guide you through the process.

Pushing the Boundaries of 3D Printing Technology

The Electronic Alchemy eforge, a state-of-the-art multi-material 3D printer capable of producing fully functional electronic devices, was conceived, developed, and patented by the Morningbird Space team. Partnering with Alabama A&M University and supported by NASA SBIR/STTR phase 1, 2, and 3 contracts, this groundbreaking technology is now poised for its market debut.

Our Services

Areas of Focus

Close-up of a white scientific or industrial machine

Additive Manufacturing

Morningbird Space specializes in additive manufacturing, utilizing cutting-edge 3D printing technology to construct intricate and precise components. With expertise in multi-material printing and advanced techniques, we revolutionize the manufacturing process, enabling rapid prototyping and customized production solutions.

Image showing a scientific apparatus with a green laser on the left and a 3D graph labeled

Advanced Propulsion

Our advanced propulsion solutions propel space exploration to new heights. From propellantless propulsion systems to innovative engine designs, we push the boundaries of propulsion technology, enhancing efficiency, reliability, and performance for spacecraft of all sizes.

Futuristic space station with multiple modules and drones hovering above

Autonomous Construction

ASCENT, an initiative by Morningbird Space, pioneers a groundbreaking approach to space construction. By integrating autonomous swarming drones with state-of-the-art multi-material 3D printing, ASCENT transforms the way we build in space. This innovative technology opens up new possibilities for space exploration, commercial ventures, research, education, economic growth, and sustainability.

Diagram showing Mars mission synodic optimization and Hypersol relay station.

Interplanetary Transport

In the pursuit of pushing the boundaries of human exploration and expanding our reach within the solar system, the HyperSol™ Interplanetary Transport System is a propellantless propulsion system that represents human ingenuity and innovation. Central to its design is the groundbreaking Morningbird Propulsion Engine, a propulsion system that challenges traditional constraints and heralds a transformative era in space travel.

Experience the Morningbird Advantage

When you partner with Morningbird Space, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge that set us apart in the aerospace industry. Our commitment to excellence, innovation, and collaboration ensures that every project is met with unparalleled expertise and dedication.


Our team boasts decades of experience in research, development, productization, and commercialization.

Cutting-Edge Technology

We are leading the way with scientific breakthroughs, innovative concepts, and leading edge technologies.

Collaborative Partnerships

Our growing network of partners is helping us establish our position in the new frontier of the space industry. Join us!

Featured Technologies

Explore the cutting-edge technologies driving innovation in space exploration and aerospace engineering. Our featured technologies represent the forefront of research and development in our areas of focus.

Experimental Space-Time Distortion

Funded by the National Science Foundation, our research into experimental space-time distortion is at the forefront of theoretical physics and astrophysics. This groundbreaking technology has the potential to revolutionize space travel by manipulating space-time to enable faster-than-light travel and warp drive propulsion systems. Our team of physicists, engineers, and researchers is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of our understanding of the cosmos and unlocking new possibilities for interstellar exploration.

Our Partners

Morningbird Space collaborates with esteemed organizations to advance the frontiers of space technology and education, reinforcing our commitment to pioneering innovation.

Logo NSF

Developing advanced space propulsion systems with a grant from the National Science Foundation.

Logo SpaceX

Worked with SpaceX to develop educational opportunities for the next generation of space scientists and engineers.


Developed materials and processes for advanced additive manufacturing with contracts from NASA