HyperSol Interplanetary Transport

The HyperSol project is paving the way for a new era of interplanetary travel, enabling seamless and sustainable movement between celestial bodies. Experience unmatched efficiency and reliability in your space transport missions.

Composite image showing the design of the Hypersol-M ship and cargo module

Revolutionizing Travel Within Our Solar System

In the quest for the next frontier of human exploration and the expansion of our presence within the solar system, the Hyperloop Sol Interplanetary Transport System stands as a testament to human ingenuity and innovation. HyperSol is a transportation and support network built within our solar system to build humanity’s presence in space.

Advantages of HyperSol Transport System

Embrace the forefront of interplanetary travel with cutting-edge benefits.

Diagram of the solar system's inner planets

Sustainable Space Travel

By eliminating the need for traditional propellant, HyperSol creates sustainable long-term mission capability.

Image of a NASA spacecraft labeled 'MTV-P02' orbiting above Earth.


Decrease mission costs with our propellantless system that requires less resupply and maintenance, making long-term missions more feasible.

Diagram showing the Lagrange points (L1, L2, L3) around Earth

A New Space Network

HyperSol is an ingenious network of transportation and support first conceptualized by astronaut Buzz Aldrin (the Aldrin Cycler)

Innovative Features of HyperSol

HyperSol, developed by Morningbird Space, is engineered to address and surpass the intricate demands of modern interplanetary travel. This technology epitomizes the convergence of robust engineering and innovative space science, tailored specifically to enhance the efficiency, safety, and scalability of space missions. By integrating features like continuous acceleration, autonomous navigation, and scalable technology frameworks, HyperSol is not just a transportation solution but a transformative force in the realm of space exploration. Its design philosophy is rooted in providing sustainable, adaptable, and highly reliable transport capabilities, making it an indispensable asset for future missions aiming to explore and inhabit distant worlds.

Continuous Acceleration System

Our unique propulsion system allows for constant acceleration, drastically cutting travel time across the solar system.

Autonomous Navigation

Equipped with advanced autonomous navigation technologies, HyperSol ensures precise and safe routing through space.

Scalable Technology

HyperSol can be adapted for a variety of mission sizes and types, from small cargo hauls to large crewed missions.

Our Partners

Morningbird Space collaborates with esteemed organizations to advance the frontiers of space technology and education, reinforcing our commitment to pioneering innovation.

Logo NSF

Developing advanced space propulsion systems with a grant from the National Science Foundation.

Logo SpaceX

Worked with SpaceX to develop educational opportunities for the next generation of space scientists and engineers.


Developed materials and processes for advanced additive manufacturing with contracts from NASA

Ready to Transform Your Space Operations?

Have Questions? We Have Answers

Curious about how we’re making interplanetary travel more practical and efficient? Below are answers to some of the most common questions about our HyperSol transport system.

Hyperloop Sol Interplanetary Transport System (HyperSol) is Morningbird Space’s pioneering interplanetary transport system, utilizing a propellantless propulsion technology inspired by cyclic transport concepts. It’s designed to enable sustainable, continuous travel between celestial bodies within the solar system, transforming the logistics of space exploration and colonization.

Continuous acceleration allows spacecraft to reach higher velocities more efficiently, significantly reducing travel times between planets and other celestial bodies. This is crucial for time-sensitive missions and can also reduce the overall exposure of astronauts to space radiation during travel.

Absolutely. Safety is our top priority. HyperSol includes autonomous navigation systems that enhance safety by providing precise and reliable route planning and execution. These systems are designed to respond dynamically to the space environment, mitigating potential hazards and ensuring the safety of the crew throughout the mission.

Yes, HyperSol is a versatile system designed to handle both cargo and crewed missions. Its scalable technology allows it to be adapted for various mission sizes and requirements, from sending small scientific instruments to transporting large-scale colony infrastructure and crew.

HyperSol’s autonomous navigation system uses a combination of sensors, star trackers, and advanced algorithms to determine and maintain the optimal trajectory. It continuously monitors space conditions and the spacecraft’s status to make real-time adjustments, ensuring the most efficient and safe route is followed.

HyperSol’s scalability lies in its modular design, which can be customized according to specific mission requirements. This means that the system can be adjusted in scale for different payloads and mission objectives, making it suitable for a wide range of applications from small satellite deployments to large manned missions aimed at establishing human presence on other planets.

A group of people posing in front of a large rocket or spacecraft.